Big photos of little things. Big events for tiny soldiers.

Welcome to Mini Myths.

We're building the best wargaming community in Victoria.
We'd love to have you.

Mini Myths is a group of passionate, friendly gamers who are open and accepting for all - from competitive to casual, from hobby hero to table titan. If you'd like to meet our 100+ members and join in the fun, come find us on Discord.

On this site, you'll find information on our recent and upcoming events. Additionally, we're really passionate about showcasing the talent and effort our community puts into their miniatures. You'll find plenty of photos across the site, showing off amazing armies and miniatures from across the state.

We also regularly produce resources and gaming aids to make your wargaming experience smoother, easier, and more fun! Check out our resources section, and hopefully you'll find some tools you love.

Keen to join our community? Come join us on Discord.

Latest News

For the first time ever: Mini Myths Dice!

April 16, 2024


I'm really excited to share with you all that custom Mini Myths dice are finally available! Not only that, they're actual Chessex dice, just like the ones you'd get at your friendly local game store. Each set contains 12 16mm dice, in the standard Chessex case you're used to.

It's tricky finding products and prizes for wargamers - ideally, you need something that's system- and faction-agnostic. It also needs to be affordable enough for me to purchase it, and hopefully sell it to you at a fair price so that I can reinvest your money into future events. These dice don't perfectly fit those criteria - not every game uses D6's - but they're pretty close.

Where your money is going

As it turns out, dice aren't cheap! I could have maybe managed to save some money ordering from China, but I felt that it was worth spending a little extra to have them made by a company we all know and trust - I hope you'll feel the same, as I know these are priced at a premium price point (not GW premium, but still expensive!).

I don't know if people will actually want these, so this initial order is pretty small - I've got about 20 sets of each style. The standard black/yellow ones are priced about the same as most premium dice sets, and the fancy gold/red/blue/black ones, which we're calling Mythic Red, are a little pricier. I make a few bucks off each of these, and I just want to let you know that 100% of the profits will go to future events or future merch. If you participated in our most recent Purple Palette competition, you can even use your discount code on these!

The Shop

Mini Myths is not a merch store, it's an events...thing? Anyway, I just want to let you know; the future isn't just selling you products. The point is to fund future events and projects, so I hope you'll look at your purchases as an investment in the future of this community. We'll have a few new products this year - cheaper apparel is a big one on the list, as well as some custom products that leverage all the photography we've been doing. For example, some of you might have seen the custom codex cover we showed off at Purple Palette. It's coming! Just a few kinks to figure out. Maybe an upcoming new edition of a certain Sigmar-themed tabletop game will herald in some new items.

I'm also working on a proper update to the site, including an improved storefront. So look forward to all of that!

A Quick Thanks

Lastly, I just want to quickly say - thankyou for your support. Whether you buy these dice or not, the ongoing enthusiasm and love from the community is the only reason I can justify trying something like this. It's personally so fun to see my logo/brand on products, but it's genuinely heartwarming every time I see a MM sticker on a carry-case, or a t-shirt in an LGS. It means a lot, and I've got lots of goodies planned this year to flesh out our prizes and merch!

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Armies on Parade 2024

Armies on Parade

AOP #3! Let's do this! See the very best of tabletop hobby in the west.

Happening Now

Purple Palette IV: Duel
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Purple Palette IV: Duel

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