Mini Myths

Armies on Parade 2024

December 7, 2024

Welcome to Armies on Parade

Welcome to Armies on Parade 2024, a celebration of the incredible modelling, painting, and hobby talent we have in our community!

Artists and hobbyists from around the world (well, the western suburbs) converge to showcase their craftsmanship. Armies on Parade 2024 promises a spectacular display of talent and dedication as contestants unveil their meticulously crafted miniatures, armies, and dioramas, each a testament to the passion of our community.

From epic fantasy realms to dystopian futures, the diverse themes and genres represented here will transport you to realms both familiar and fantastical. Armies on Parade is not merely a competition; it's a celebration of the shared love for this intricate craft, a testament to the camaraderie among hobbyists, and an opportunity to appreciate the countless hours invested in bringing these tiny marvels to life.


Below you'll find a list of the six categories that are open for submissions for this event, along with examples and the criteria for entering each category. All categories share the following restrictions:
If you are unsure which category your submission would be appropriate for, or are unsure whether or not your submission meets the appropriate criteria, we recommend getting in touch using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Lord of Blights by Sean Ellis
Second Place - Armies on Parade 2023

Individual Character

This category is for single miniatures that is approximately 24mm-60mm scale or smaller.
  • Your submission should be a single character or creature.
  • Your character should be less than 6" tall, with a maximum base size of 65mm.
  • Your model may include scenic elements and support characters (such as servo-skulls, or goblin assistants), but judging will be based on the focal character.
Examples: Grot, Genestealer, Chaos Warrior, Primaris Marine, Captain America, Darth Vader.

Avatar of Khaine by Ty Mesigna
Third Place - Armies on Parade 2023

Individual large character or vehicle

This category is for single miniatures that are approximately 60mm scale or larger, as well as vehicles or machines of war.
  • Your submission should be a single character, monster, or vehicle.
  • Your character should be more than 6" tall, with a minimum base size of 65mm.
  • Your model may include scenic elements and support characters (such as servo-skulls, or goblin assistants), but judging will be based on the focal character.
Examples: Carnifex, Wraithknight, Baneblade, Belakor, Balrog, The Hulk, Dormammu, AT-RT, LAAT, Landspeeder.

Brokhyr Thunderkin & Khal by Juan Acosta
Third Place - Armies on Parade 2023

Group or Unit

This category is for a collection of miniatures that form a cohesive squad, group, or unit.
  • Your submission should be a collection of characters, with a minimum of two models and a maximum of ten.
  • Your submission may include larger models, however scale is not a criteria for judgement.
  • The models in your group should form a cohesive unit. They do not, however, need to be a legal unit for the purposes of any tabletop game. For example, your group might include Intercessors and Infiltrators.
  • In the case of Marvel Crisis Protocol, you may submit a character accompanied by their applicable grunts.
  • You may include a squad of small-size vehicles, such as attack bikes, jetbikes, or cavalry. In such cases, please submit no more than five individual models. You may also include a vehicle alongside your characters if you so choose, such as a dedicated transport or support walker.
  • Your submission must be submitted on a display board or carrying tray, measuring no larger than 30 CM wide by 20 CM deep.
  • Above all, there should be a clear narrative purpose as to why your models are submitted as a group - are they a squad of soldiers? Two fighting warbands? etc.
Examples: Primaris Intercessors, Saurus Warriors, Eldar Jetbike Squadron, Red Skull & Hydra Troopers, Lumineth Dawnriders, Shoretroopers, Taun-Taun Riders.

This submission must be entered using a display board or carrying tray, measuring no larger than 30cm wide and 20cm deep.

Stormcast vs Skaven by Tim Italiano


Purple Palette IV: Duel

For the first time, we're continuing our quarterly Purple Palette competition with it's own category in Armies on Parade.

Check out all the details of this category on it's dedicated events page.
Purple Palette IV: Duel Event Page

This submission must be entered using a display board or carrying tray, measuring no larger than 10cm wide and 10cm deep.

Tooth and Claw by Michael Lawes
First Place - Armies on Parade 2023


This category is for a narrative display piece, telling a distinct story through the miniatures and terrain.
  • Your submission should be a combination of both miniatures and terrain. You must include at least one miniature in your diorama.
  • The submission should have a very clear story, that is told only through the diorama itself. You will not be given an opportunity to describe or explain your narrative.
  • Your submission can be a 'boxed' diorama, such as a Crisis Protocol Rivals Panel, but should be modified in some way to make it your own.

This submission must be entered using a display board or carrying tray, measuring no larger than 30cm wide and 30cm deep.

Isengard Army by Patrick Weber
First Place - Armies on Parade 2023


This category is for a full army of miniatures, all part of a cohesive faction.
  • Your submission should be a collection of characters, units, and vehicles.
  • You must include at least one leader or commander model, at least two distinct groups of infantry, and one vehicle or monster.
  • Your submission should focus on quality over quantity. You will not be judged on the number of models you submit.
  • All models in your army should follow a consistent narrative theme, such as being part of the same chapter, house, or clan.
  • Your submission must be submitted on a display board or carrying tray, measuring nolarger than 60 CM wide by 60 CM deep.

This submission must be entered using a display board or carrying tray, measuring no larger than 60cm wide and 60cm deep.

Mini Myths Space Marine by Matthew Dobson
Fifth Place - Armies on Parade 2023

In-Store Painting Competition

Participants can join us in store and participate in a painting competition! Bring a shrink-wrapped model from home, or purchase one in store.

We've lowered the time limit this year, and you'll have a total of 3 hours painting time to complete your entry. Good luck!
  • You can bring your own model, or purchase one in store. The model must be unpainted (other than primer) and approved before the start of the event.
  • If you purchase your model in store, you'll receive a discount on your purchase! Make sure to come in and purchase as early as possible (doors open at 9:00) so you have time to assemble and prime your model.
  • There is no limit to what you can paint, however, we recommend quality over quantity.
  • While we'll have some supplies available on the day, you'll want to bring your own paints, brushes, and any other supplies you might need.


Prize categories

Judge's Choice

Each entry in each category will be ranked by our panel of judges. After judging, each entry will receive a score out of 100. Those entries that rank the highest will be eligible for our top prizes. Prizes have yet to be finalized, but will include Guf Werribee gift cards, limited edition Armies on Parade merchandise, and additional prizes from our sponsors.

Alongside these prizes, all entries that place in the top 3 will be eligible for a full photo shoot, and custom-made merchandise featuring the winning entry.

Community Choice

Attendees on the day will anonymously vote for their favorite entries. This vote takes place in-person on the day of the event. The entries that receive the most votes from our community will receive special prizes donated by our sponsors, and a custom codex, battletome, or similar item provided by Mini Myths.

Door Prizes

We will have a large number of door prizes that will be given out throughout the day! These are randomly awarded to anyone who purchased a ticket and submitted an entry on the day.

In-Store Painting Challenge

The in-store painting competition is new for this year's Armies on Parade event, and is an opportunity for skilled painters and hobbyists to showcase their skills! Our friendly Guf staff, and our judges, will pick their favourite entries at the end of the day, and they'll be awarded with special prizes that acknowledge their hobby talent.

Submitting your entry

You can submit a single submission into each of the six categories. You cannot submit into the same category more than once. To enter into a category, you must purchase a ticket and complete the entry submission form before 11:00 AM on December 7, 2024.

Your entry will be judged in-person on the 7th.

Step 1. Purchase your ticket

Remember, you can only enter each category once. Tickets must be purchased online and cannot be purchased in store.

If you'd like to submit an entry into every category, the All-In ticket gives you a discount!
Looks like tickets aren't available yet. Stay tuned!

Step 2. Submit your entry form

Every entry must have it's form submitted before 11:00 AM on December 7, 2024. You must submit this form once for each entry. If you decide to make changes to your entry, you can amend the details of this form later.
Do not submit this form until you have purchased a ticket for your entry. You do not need to submit this form for the in-store painting challenge.
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Step 3. Drop-off your entries

Each entry will need to be judged in-person at Guf Werribee on the 7th of December. Ideally, you'll bring your entry with you on the 7th of December, and check-in before 11:00 AM.

If you are unable to attend the event on the 7th, contact us to organize an early drop-off. If this is the case, your prizes can be distributed to you after the event. Please note that if you are not present on the day of the event, you may not be eligible for any door prizes.

The order of the day is as follows (this will be finalized closer to the day):
10:00 AM
  • Doors open! Entrants may begin dropping off their entry and checking in with organizers. Participants of the In-Store Painting Challenge may purchase their model and begin assembly and priming.
12:00 PM
  • Submission drop-off closes! You must have dropped off your entry and checked in before 12:00 AM!
  • If you've submitted your entry and don't feel like playing any games, you are welcome to head off - just make sure to be back before 4:00 PM!
1:00 PM
  • The In-Store Painting competition begins! Your three hours starts now!
5:00 PM
  • Prize ceremony - winners for each category will be announced, and winners will receive their prizes.
5:30 PM
  • Armies on Parade 2024 is complete! Winners are invited to stay in store so that we can take photos of the winning entries.

Contact us

Join the Discord

The best way to get in touch with us is through the Mini Myths Discord, where you'll find a channel dedicated to this event.
Join the Mini Myths Discord

Use the Contact form

If you'd prefer, you can get in touch with us via Email using the form below.
Thank you! We'll be in touch shortly.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I allowed to convert/sculpt my entry?
Yes! You may customize your entry in any way you choose, including conversions, sculpting, 3rd party parts, and 3D printed elements/miniatures.
Can my entry be fully 3D Printed?
While you can enter a submission that is completely 3D printed, some of our prizes are provided by official miniature manufacturers, and the store itself relies on the support of those companies. For this reason, we strongly encourage entrants to use official miniatures where possible. Fully 3D printed entries may not be eligible from prize support from certain vendors.
Do I have to make a scenic base/diorama?
For the Individual Character and Individual Large Character or Vehicle categories, you do not need to provide a scenic base or tray, and there is no judging criteria for any scenic elements not on the model itself.

For the Group or Unit, Army, and Diorama categories, you must include all of your submission on a single tray or scenic base. This is to ensure judges know what is in your entry, how you would like them displayed, and allows us to safely move your entry when taking photographs or setting up on the day.

For the Group or Unit and Army categories, there are no explicit judging criteria that factor in your display board, and you are welcome to submit your entry with no decoration or terrain on your board. However, a good scenic board often elevates the presentation of an entry, and we would generally recommend that you do your best to integrate your entry into the display board where possible.

For the Diorama category, the presentation of the display board is taken into account during judging.
I'm not sure which category my entry belongs in?
Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page, and we can advise you which category your entry would best fit into. It's best to provide a photo also, so we can best understand where your entry fits best.
How strict are the base/size restrictions?
The base size and height limits are indications to guide you on which category best suits your model. You should submit your entry to whichever category is most applicable, regardless of whether they meet the given size limits. For example, a large monster on an unusually small base should still be submitted in the monster category.
Does my entry need to be "game legal"?
No! Entries are not judged on their applicability to their respective game system, so feel free to craft miniatures and units that wouldn't normally be considered 'legal' on the battlefield.
Do I need to have painted my entry specifically for this event?
While we encourage that the model you submit is something you have recently worked on, there are no limits to what you can submit to this event. With that being said, if your model has previously won a similar competition, we encourage you to submit something new - this encourages your own creativity, and creates room for other artists to submit quality entries.

Additionally, you cannot submit a model that has previously been submitted in Armies on Parade.
Will I receive photos of my entry?
For each entry in the Individual Character, Individual Character or Vehicle, and Group or Squad categories, we'll take lightbox photos of your entry on the day, which you'll be able to download from the event website shortly after the event.

For Diorama and Army category entries, we'll take photos of your entry, but these may or may not be lightbox photos depending on the size of your entry.

For the In-Store Painting Challenge, the winning entries will receive lightbox photos. Entrants who may not have placed are invited to stay after the event so that photos can be taken.
Do I need to be present on the day of the event?
In order to be eligible for judging and prizes, your entry must be physically present at Guf Werribee on or before the day of the event. However, you do not physically need to be present for the entire event if you are unable to do so. In the event that you win a prize, you will be able to collect your prize from Guf Werribee at a later date.

If you'd like to organize dropping off your submission ahead of the event, please talk to us about organising that.
How many times can I enter?
You can submit a single entry to each category, for a maximum of six entries. This includes the in-store painting competition. Keep in mind that a model can only be submitted into a single category, so an entry into the individual model categories cannot also appear in the squad or group category, for example.