Player Standards

Mini Myths events are for everyone. We expect all players to come to our events with an open mind, prepared to meet new people, make new friends, and be an excellent gameplay partner. Mini Myths events are about making friends and showing good sportsmanship, and all players are expected to be gracious in both victory and defeat.

Player Behaviour Standards

  • Discuss the battlefield before the game starts to ensure both players agree on the terrain layout, and any relevant terrain rules.
  • Ensure your opponent understands how your army or faction works, and be proactive in explaining the strengths of your units.
  • Be transparent in your actions - roll your dice clearly and give your opponent time to understand the results. Measure clearly and in view of your opponent to ensure you agree on measurements.
  • Whether you win or lose, be generous with your opponent. Congratulate them on a game well played.
  • Treat everyone with respect and kindness.
Anti-social behaviour is never tolerated. Angry behaviour such as yelling, swearing, or rude commentswill result in your removal from the event. If you have frustrations in the event, you should speak to an Event Organiser.

Modelling Standards

In all cases, you should inform your opponent of any model or modelling changes in your army. Each Mini Myths event will conform to one of the modelling guidelines listed below. The event page lists what standards should be upheld for each event.

The intent of the below standards is to avoid confusion - if your models are easily recognizable as what they're meant to represent in the rules, you can expect that they will be approved.

Lenient Modelling Standards

  • Models can be used as proxies as long as they closely resemble the model they are standing in for.
  • Conversions that use the official model as the majority of the model do not require approval.
  • Units may use weapons that are not reflected on their model.
  • 3D printed models may be accepted in the case of singular characters or vehicles.
  • Minor 3D printed parts like vehicle doors or shoulder pads do not need approval.
  • All proxies should be approved ahead of the event by an Event Organiser.

Moderate Modelling Standards

  • Models that are out-of-print or unavailable for purchase may be used as a proxy, as long as the stand-in model closely resembles the official miniature and could not be mistaken for another model from that faction or army.
  • Conversions should closely resemble the official miniature, or be clearly representative of the official miniature. Minor conversions, such as head swaps or other small changes, do not require approval ahead of time.
  • The weapons on your models must be the same as those listed in your army list.
  • 3D printed models are restricted, except where an exemption has been granted by an Event Organiser.
  • Minor 3D printed parts like vehicle doors or shoulder pads can be approved by the Event Organiser before the event.
  • All proxies should be approved ahead of the event by an Event Organiser.

Strict Modelling Standards

  • Proxies are not allowed for this event, unless specifically given an exemption by an Event Organiser ahead of the event. Exemptions will only be given in extraordinary circumstances.
  • Converted models must be clearly identifiable as the official miniature, and must be approved before the event.
  • Weapons on your models must be the same as those listed in your army list.
  • 3D printed models are not allowed, and 3D printed parts must be approved in advance by an Event Organiser.
  • All proxies should be approved ahead of the event by an Event Organiser.

Painting Standards

A fully-painted army is always encouraged at every Mini Myths event, as painted armies improve the gameplay experience for everyone. Each Mini Myths event will conform to one of the painting guidelines listed below. The event page lists which standards should be upheld for each event.

We use Games Workshop's "Battle-Ready" standard to define whether or not a miniature is Fully Painted. In general, this means that your model is painted with the appropriate base colours, and has a textured or painted base.

Generally speaking, we believe that most people know when a model is ‘Painted’ and when it is not. Everyone’s level of painting skill is different, and we want all players to be proud of the work they’ve done to paint their armies.

Lenient Painting Standards

  • Models are not required to be painted for this event.  
  • All prizes will be available to all players, regardless of painted status.
  • No Victory or Event points will be awarded to players for having painted models.

Moderate Painting Standards

  • As a minimum, all the models in your army must be base coated to match the colour of your army or faction.  
  • Models that are completely unpainted (Grey plastic) are no acceptable.
  • Some prizes, such as door prizes and painting awards, will only be available to players with an army painted to a battle-ready standard.
  • Victory Points or Event Points may be awarded to players for having a painted army, depending on the rules of the game (eg. Battle Ready in Warhammer 40,000).

Strict Painting Standards

  • Your army must be painted to a battle-ready standard to participate in this event. A battle-ready standard includes at least three colours on the models, and a painted base.
  • You may be asked to remove models that are not painted to a battle-ready standard.
  • Victory Points or Event Points may be awarded to players for having a painted army, depending on the rules of the game (eg. Battle Ready in Warhammer 40,000).