Mini Myths can help you run a great event.

We started Mini Myths so we could run great events - but there's good events all over Victoria, and we want to do what we can to help those events succeed as well.

We've got a number of resources that we've created to run our own events, and we want to make those available to anyone running an event, league, or other type of organized play.

Best of all, these services are completely free.

What we can provide

If you're running an event in Victoria, we can provide the following:

Your Event Page

An event page allows you to share all the details of your event in one simple place. You can include date and time, price, the players packet, and anything else that might be relevant to your players.
After the event, you can also use this page to share the final standings, and who received prizes.

Digital Player's Pack

Either included in your event page, or as a seperate URL, we can give you a permanent URL to host your player's pack. You can update this document at any time, if the circumstances or format of your event changes.
For leagues, this can also include a leaderboard with the current results and fixtures.

Sign-Up, Results, and List Submission forms

Managing sign-ups and list submission can be one of the most frustrating and difficult parts of organizing an event. We can include sign up forms and list submission forms in your event page or player's pack, allowing players to submit these quickly and easily.

Event Visuals and Promotional Materal

Who doesn't love a snazzy event visual? We want your event to look as good a it can, and so we'll create a set of digital assets that you can use when sharing your event.

Discord Channel

Our Discord community is growing quickly, and we've got over 100 members sharing gaming tips, hobby discssion, and looking for their next wargaming event! We can open up a brand-new channel just for your event, giving players a place to discuss the event, and giving you an opportunity to engage with those players directly.


Your event is features on alongside our own events. We always prioritize events in chronological order, so when you're the next event up, you'll get top billing on the website! Additionally, we share our events to our Mini Myths community (which now boasts over 100 members!), so you'll hopefully see a few extra players coming your way.

Prize Support*

Depending on the size of your event, and the game you're running, we might be able to sponsor the event by providing prize support.

Additionally, we've always got Mini Myths swag that we can provide for you to give away - this helps grow our community, and sweetens your prize pool!

What we ask in return

Promoting Mini Myths

While we don't expect anything in return, your event site and all it's promotion will lead back to We don't actually expect you to promote us, but it' inevitable that some players will discover our community if you're using our tools. We love this! But if you don't, that's totally fine. Please understand that we don't have the resources to 'White label' your event page (yet), and so for now, this is a partnership - we'll help you run your event, and in doing so, our community might grow.

Event Standards

We want you to run your event the way you want to run it - we're not prescriptive on formats, game systems, or any other aspect of the event. However, Mini Myths is an inclusive, welcoming community, and we want to partner with other hosts who share those values at their own events. We don't tolerate discrimination of any kind, and we champion good sportsmanship and positive play experiences.