With a learn to play event looming at his local FLGS, Nathan wanted to make sure that he had a fully painted starter set available for people to play with and enjoy. With just one short week to get these models painted, Nathan's managed to not only complete the project but finish every model to a stellar standard.

There's quite a few models here that are easy to fall in love with, but our personal favourites have to be the Mandolorian Super Commandos. A mix of OSL-style armour and smoe nice weathering give these guys a real 'lived in' vibe, and it's this attention to detail that really brings them to life. We also love Nathan's approach to basing - the exaggerated style of the gashes in the terrain harken back to the Clone Wars TV series that inspired the sculpts themselves.


Below are some of our favourite images from this army. You can view the full army gallery at the Google Photos link below.
View Full Gallery (Google Photos)