Hit your hobby goals and join the community in painting up a storm!

While we fight so many of our greatest battles across tiny, tiny battlefields, the real fight is the one we share with a paint brush! Come join our very first painting competition for 2024!

For this event, you'll purchase a single model and have six weeks to paint it up - just enough time to do your best work, we hope! At the end of that six weeks, the judges will pick a few winners and we'll celebrate the amazing hobby efforts of our community.

How to enter

purchase a model

To get started, you'll need to grab a brand-new model from Guf Werribee. Your model should comply to the following restrictions:

Assemble, and then paint your heart out!

This is a painting competition - so it's time to paint! Share your progress on the Werribee Tabletop Facebook page, or on the Mini Myths Discord. Use the community to get tips, advice, and inspiration. Hobby is about learning and growing together, so look to grow your own abilities and help others!

Stand and be judged!

On or before 06/04/24, you'll need to drop your entry down at Guf Werribee. On that day, we invite everyone to come down and view all the amazing models people have painted. The judges will be an attendance, and will score each entry. Once the scores are in, we'll give out prizes!

Examples of Eligibility

This space Marine Lieutenant is clearly an eligible entry - it's base is 65mm or smaller, and only it's extremities overhang the base.
Space Marine painted by Michael Harrison for Armies on Parade 2024.
This Yndrasta is on a 65mm base, and it's wings only slightly overhang the base. As the majority of the model is within the 65mm base, and all the plastic basing components were included with the model, this would be an eligible entry.
Yndrasta painted by David Wragg for Armies on Parade 2024.
This Loonboss is on a 65mm round base, and has only a few small elements overhanging the base. This would be an eligible entry, however, the plastic branches on the base are from a different miniature kit, and therefore would not be allowed.
Loonboss on Snazzfang painted by Michael Lawes for Armies on Parade 2024.
As it is on an 80mm base, the Lady of Vines would be an ineligible entry. Furthermore, there are parts from other kits on the base (such as the Ork head) that would not be allowed.
Lady of Vines painted by Ryan Butler for Armies on Parade 2024.



For this first event, we'll be giving away prizes to the following categories:
* Winners of the First, Second, or Third prizes are not eligible for the Community Vote prize.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the cut-off point? Can someone enter five weeks in?
You can sign up at any point during the six weeks this event runs for. We recommend that you sign up during the first two weeks to allow yourself maximum time to plan and complete your piece.
Do I need to paint a Warhammer model?
Absolutely not! As long as you either purchase or order the model through Guf and it meets all the other restrictions listed above,  you are welcome to paint any brand/range of models. In fact, we encourage you to paint something outside of your usual preferences!
Is there a minimum spend for this competition?
There is no minimum spend for this competition. As long as you purchase the model through Guf Werribee.
Is there a minimum painting standard for this competition?
While we're not enforcing a minimum standard, this is a painting competition. We recommend that your model should meet the 'Strict' painting standard outlined in our Standards page. This would include at least three colours on the model, and a painted base.
Do I have to paint purple?
You can paint your model whatever colours you wish. This competition does not have a theme of entries.
What if the model I want paint does not come with a base?
While a base isn't required for your entry, your model should be small enough to comfortably fit on a 65mm of smaller size base. If your model does not come with a base, and you're concerned it may be too large, please contact one of the TO’s and we will let you know if the model is eligible.
Can I mount my model on an alternative base from what is supplied/listed for it?
You must use a base matching the size of the base provided with your model, if it has one. The restriction on the base size is to allow for the maximum space available and for the judges to be able to identify the framing of your piece. You can use alternative bases, however they should match the size of the base provided with the model.
What happens if I do not follow the guidelines for entry? Eg. My model is on a 70mm base?
If your model does not fit the requirements for this event, your piece will not be eligible to receive any prizes. Please contact a TO if you are unsure before making your purchase.
Can I buy a kit with multiple models and enter one? Does this allow me to customise the model?
Yes! For example, you are welcome to buy a Start Collecting! kit and enter a character or model from that box, or purchase an MCP two-character box and enter one of the characters from that box. Keep in mind that, for the purposes of customization, you should only use parts intended for use with that model.
Can I use bits from other kits for basing my model?
No - you cannot use model components from other miniature kits. You are welcome to use tufts, flock, and other basing materials on your base.  For example, if your entry is a Marvel Crisis Protocol model, it should only include the basing items included with that model. If your entry is a Tyranid Hive Tyrant, it should only include elements from the Hive Tyrant sprue. The exception to this is plastic basing kits, such as the Citadel Skulls and Vines kits, are allowed, as they do not include a miniature in the box.
Is there something that the judges are looking for in particular? 
Each judge will have their own criteria for scoring. If you are looking for advice, please check our “Mindful Painting Tips”!