Defence of the Star League

July 6, 2024


July 6, 2024

Event Over

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Key Facts

Guf Werribee
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Event Over


Duke Carmel Marik (self claimed rightful heir to the Marik claim) has been embroiled in a string of recent embezzlement of public and military funds allegations by Free Capellan News BroadCasting Corporation (FCNBC). Duke Marik claims that these are fraudulent claims made by members of ROM masquerading as independent reporters attached to FCNBC border conflict unit, he claims this smear campaign is to weaken his claim for the Captain-Generalship. Using his SAFE contacts stationed in Prefecture XI, Duke Carmel has tracked the news reporters to the Klaar system. 

Duke Carmel has used his agents to source and hire anti Republic forces to raid the Klaar system and provide opportunities for his undercover SAFE agents to locate and acquire the defamatory reports and suppress those who would besmirch his honour.

ROM agents planted in Duke Carmel’s court have heard whispers of the Duke’s plans and currently rush to organise a jump circuit that will get them back to Dranatania and rally the planetary militia in preparation for invasion. 

If news of the Duke’s failure to responsibly manage his funds makes it to Terra it can be used to destable the Marik border and allow for a more COMSTAR sympathetic government to be installed to manage fiefdom. 


5 rounds throughout the day.

All games will run for a maximum of 10 rounds.

Force composition

Players will bring a roster of 15 mechs and alpha strike cards.

Units to be chosen from the kickstarter list and including the Clan Invasion Expansion deck, multiple units of the same data card can be used, if a physical data card is not available Master unit list models can be downloaded and printed.

For these games the abilities on an alpha strike card under the ‘special’ tab will be used.

Players will need to provide their own card sleeves and markers to denote and record damage.

Players will need to bring counters/tiles or tokens to represent unrevealed mechs. 

2 lances (8 mechs) or 1 demi company (6 mechs) consisting of a combined 250 bv pts.

A different unit formation can be brought to play in each game type. A player may choose the same models for multiple games but change the experience of the troops, the allocation of models in each lance or use entirely different models between games.

All damage allocated to mechs is cleared between games.

The lance leader has an experience level of Veteran all other troops are considered Regular.

Veteran troops have a pilot value of 3.

Regular troops have a pilot value of 4.


Each player that wins their mission scores 5 points for their team.

Each player that loses their missions scores 3 points for their team.

Players that force a tie result in both players scoring 2 points for their team.

Additional Rules

All units will be represented as a tile marker unless they are in line of sight of an opponent's model or are within a zone of control of a unit with ‘special’ equipment or a ‘pilot ability’ that would identify them.

Once a model has been identified by the opponent they cannot be returned to a marker tile.

A model who makes an attack that does not require line of sight does not reveal.

Max of 30 pieces of terrain is placed at the start of the game (excluding mission specific terrain)

Before the event begins players will be divided into either the aggressor or retaliator, players will play and score for this team for the entire event. Should both the attacker and defender achieve their objectives in the same turn a tie is called.


Looks like standings aren't available for this event, sorry! If the event was on Longshanks or Best Coast Pairings, you can usually find the standings there.

Armies on Parade Entries

Individual Character

Monster or Vehicle

Squad or Group


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