Kalador Burning

A Warhammer 40,000 Narrative Crusade


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Aboard the Astartes Vessel Nihlus Fist
August 22, 2023

Multiple incoming signiatures detected on long range astropath and auspex scans.

Xenos craft matching the following identification has been confirmed: T'au, Votann, Aeldari, <Unkown>, <Unkown>.

Energy readings planetside suggest possible Necron presence.

Nearby reinforcements are available: Astra Militarum, Ember Wardens, Grey Knights, Raven Guard, Storm Templar, Blood Angels.

Recommendation: request reinforcements immediately. Conflict imminent.

The Story So Far

The Kalador system was colonized 1400 years ago, and like so many systems in the Imperium, was left largely to fend for itself. Contact with the system was lost 300 years ago. Recently, a Space Marine cruiser - the Nihlus Fist - arrived in the Kalador system to conduct repairs before returning to the warp. While in the system, they detected anomolous readings from two of the three planets in the system. The Nihlus Fist sent a small detachment of Space Marines to investigate the signal. Those marines did not return.

The Astartes are not the only ones who have discovered the strange readings from Kalador, however. Tyranid Hosts in the region have felt a strange pull toward the system, and many other advanced species such as the T'au and Eldar have detected the unusual signal.

The Kalador System

Kalador I

Kalador I is an unremarkable planetoid. The planet's surface is barren, and sub-surface scans have revealed no resources of any value. The atmosphere is primarily hydrogen and lithium oxide, making it toxic to most species.

The Nihlus Fist, an Adeptus Astartes vessel that recently arrived in the Kalador system, identified a strange signal eminating from the planet. The signal's nature, as well as it's source, remains unkown.

Kalador II

Kalador II is the largest of the three planets in the Kalador system, and the only planet with a moon. The planet is similar to Terra in it's chemical makeup, with a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and rich mineral deposits beneath the surface. The planet is ecologically diverse, featuring polar ice caps, forests, deserts, and plains. Flora and Fauna are present, although both are significantly more primitive than those found on other planets with similarly hospitiable conditions.

1400 years ago, Kalador was a burgeoning Imperial settlement, with multiple cities constructed across it's largest continent. The Imperium of Man lost contact with Kalador II approximately 300 years ago. The colony was not deemed valuable enough to investigate.

Upon arrival, the Nihlus Fist observed that the planet is now uninhabited, and the many cities that had been built during it's colonization appear to have been destroyed or abandoned. 60% of the planet's surface is now covered in large craters, suggesting orbital bombardment.

Kalador III

Kalador III is a gas giant, almost entirely comprised of Methane. Two large orbital stations are present in the orbit of Kalador III, both of which were built by human explorers approximately 400 years ago.

The two orbital stations are named Mirax and Methrax. The Nihlus Fist reports that both stations are currently offline, however appear to be undamaged.

The Rules

This event follows the standard Crusade format from the 10th Edition Core Rulebook. We're also using the Tyrannic War supplement. When playing games, you should use the Crusade format. If you're not familiar with the Crusade format, we'll be available to get everyone setup - get in touch via the Discord, or come down during Week 1 and we'll set you up in person.
Each week will have a points limit, and games played during that week must only include armies that are below that point limit. While you might be tempted to always play to each week's limit, keep in mind you can always choose to play smaller games instead. You can change your list as much as you like each week, as long as you are following the rules of a Crusade (eg. your units must be part of your Order of Battle, and your Order of Battle cannot exceed your supply limit).
It's up to you to organize your own opponent - we recommend using the Discord to find players who are also looking for a game. You'll also receive a bounty each week to play a particular player that you may not have played yet (more on bounties below)
500 Point Rewards
The crusade format does not officially support 500 point games. However, you can earn the following rewards by playing Combat Patrol missions (using standard 500 point lists):
  • Clash of Patrols: The victor increases their Crusade force's Supply Limit by 100 points.‍
  • Archeotech Recovery: The victor can select one unit from their army that is in control of the last objective marker in No Man's Land. That unit gains 2xp. This cannot be a unit that is Marked for Greatness.
  • Forward Outpost: The victor can select two units from their army are in control of objective markers. Those units gain 1xp. If one of those units is holding the objective in their opponent's deployment zone, the victor also gains 1RP.‍
  • Scorched Earth: The victor can select up to three different units that razed an objective marker during the battle. Each of these units gains 1XP.
  • Sweeping Raid: The victor increases their Crusade force's Supply Limit by 100 points.
  • Display of Might: The victor can select one character unit from their army that claimed a symbolic site. That unit gains 2xp.
Crusader App
During the Crusade, you'll need to track your Order of Battle - this includes your units, their upgrades and experience, and your battle history. To make this easier than ever, we're using Crusader; a new app from Mini-Myths built for tracking Crusade progress.
Alongside helping you with your own Order of Battle, the Crusader app is where we'll track all our results and scores, so it's important all your battles are submitted through Crusader.
The app is still in beta, so you may encounter bugs - if this happens, let us know!
If you're not familiar with the Crusade format, we highly recommend reading that section of the core rules. Most importantly, you'll have a Supply Limit - this is how many points worth of units can exist on your Crusade Roster. The Supply limit starts at 1000, so in Week 1 you'll have more than enough room to experiment with different units/lists. Starting in Week 4, you'll need to start spending your Requistion Points to increase your supply limit, so you can field a 1250 point list. Again - this system can be daunting at first. If you're not sure, ask questions in the Discord or in person!
Key Dates
The Crusade starts on the 24th of August, 2023 and finishes on the 26th of October, 2023. The points for each week are as follows:
  • Week 1 (24/08) - 500 Points or Combat Patrol
  • Week 2 (31/08) - 1000 Points
  • Week 3 (07/09) - 1000 Points
  • Week 4 (14/09) - 1250 Points (Phase 2)
  • Week 5 (21/09) - 1250 Points
  • Week 6 (28/09) - 1500 Points
  • Week 7 (05/10) - 1500 Points
  • Week 8 (12/10) - 1750 Points (Phase 3)
  • Week 9 (19/10) - 1750 Points
  • Week 10 (26/10) - 2000 Points
As the Crusade progresses, new mechanics may be introduced - these reflect the shifting narrative of the Crusade! These milestones are referred to as Phase 2 and Phase 3.
To give players new ways to earn Event Points, we're using a Bounty System. Each week, inside the Crusader app, you'll find a number of Bounties - simple missions that you can complete in order to score additional Event Points. You get more Bounties based on where you are on the ladder - if you're near the bottom, you'll have more missions available to you than if you're at the top. This allows you to start catching up to the competition, but also gives you a fun new objective to complete during your games.
You can see some examples of Bounties below. Remember, during the campaign, you'll be assigned your own unique bounties through the Crusader app.
Scoring and Prizes
Scoring during a battle is done using the standard Crusade scoring format set out by the Warhammer 40,000 Core Rulebook, including the additional 10 points for fielding a Battle Ready army.
This event is scored in two ways - ladder position and event points. Your ladder position is simply a result of your total wins/losses, while Event Points are earned throughout the event. You can earn Event Points the following ways:
  • Players can earn 1 EP per round for playing a match during that round.
  • Players can earn an additional 1 EP for playing an opponent they have not played before.
  • Players can earn an additional 1 EP for defeating an opponent that has defeated them previously, that they have never defeated.
  • Players can earn an additional 1 EP for fielding a fully painted force.
Players will be given rewards based on a number of criteria:
  • Best Opponent: Periodically throughout the campaign, you'll be asked to fill out a survey of your fellow players. The players with the highest scores from their peers will be awarded prizes, and crowned the champions of this event. This reflects the goal of the Crusade - to play fun games with great opponents.
  • Event Points: A number of prizes will be available for the players who accumulate the most Event Points. You gain an Event Point each week that you play, and can earn more EP by completing your bounties each week. Players gain 1 EP per round for playing at least one match during that round.
  • Table Position: While this is not a competitive event, we will have a special prize available for the players who place toward the top of the ladder at the end of the event. This will be calculated using most Wins, followed by Strength of Schedule.
  • Hobby Hero: Players who share their hobby progress on the Discord will be eligible to win prizes, awarding them for their progress in the hobby! This prize will be voted by the event organizers, by the end of the tournament. This is not a 'Best Painted' award, but rather an award for the players who make the most progress on their own individual hobby journey.
  • Loremaster: As the Crusade progresses, you're encouraged to share the story and lore of your faction. We'll have special prizes for those players who really commit themselves to great storytelling throughout the Crusade.
Please note that players must have played at least 10 games during the event in order to be eligible for most prizes.
Painting and Modelling
This event follows the Moderate Standards for both Painting and Modelling. You can see the full definition of these here.
While these standards give you a basic guideline of what's allowed at the event, keep in mind that you should always check your opponent's preference when using proxies, 3D-printed models, or fielding a fully unpainted army. In particular, if you are facing a player who is new to the game, we strongly recommend playing without proxies, and with painted models where possible, to ease their experience.
Please note that the Victory Points granted for having a Battle-Ready army is enforced during the Crusade. Where possible, we do not make changes to the core rules of the game. Consider it an incentive to get those hobby goals done!

Getting Started

Step 1: Purchase your Ticket and Register
Tickets are purchasable through the Guf website. You can go directly to the ticket purchase link here.
Once you've acquired a ticket, you'll need to register. We're using the Crusader app to submit results. You can go to Crusader, create your account, and join the Crusade using this link. The Campaign Code you'll need to join the Crusade is KALADOR.
Step 2: Setup your Force in Crusader
Once you're logged into Crusader, start by creating a new Force. You'll be asked to choose a faction, detachment (you can change this later), and give it a name. Once you've done that, you can tap the 'Join a Crusade' button, and select the Kalador Burning campaign. The join code is KALADOR.
You'll start the Crusade with 5 Requisition Points, and you can start spending them immediately if you'd like to. You'll have a Supply Limit of 1000, but keep in mind that the Crusade will start at 500 points, so you may not want to fill out your entire Order of Battle straight away, as you can add units at any time.
We'd recommend immediately purchasing the Requisition called "Renowned Heroes". It's free, and it allows you to add an Enhancement from your Detachment to a character of your choosing. You'll want to do this before your first game.
Step 3: Begin Playing!
Once we've hit the start date of August 24, it's time to begin playing games!
Games are self organized, but you may receive a bounty that influences which opponent you choose to play. You can always check your bounties in the Crusader app. You can DM a TO if you'd prefer to be matched with an opponent.
We recommend using the Discord to organize your games.


How often can I change my list?
The only restrictions to list building are the core Crusade rules, and the weekly point limit. Beyond these rules, you can modify your list at any time - this includes changing units, modifying equipment, or adjusting your detachment and enhancements.
What's the difference between my Supply Limit and the weekly Points Limit?
The Supply Limit comes from your Crusade Roster. It starts at 1000 points. This means your roster can include up to 1000 points worth of units. When you build an army list for a game, you pick units from your Crusade Roster.
The weekly points limit is the maximum points allowed per player during games played that week. So, for example, if the Point Limit is 500 points, you need to make an army list that is 500 points, using any number of units from your Crusade Roster (which might contain more than 500 points worth of available units).
You can spend Requisition Points to increase your personal supply limit - in fact, you'll need to do this once the weekly limit passes 1000 points.
Can I use X as a proxy for Y?
Proxies are generally allowed, but we recommend having them approved by a TO before you play with them. Additionally, your opponent has the option to request you replace the proxy with the official model, or exchange it from your list for something else. While this is a casual, narrative event, we want to make sure all players are given a fair and equitable experience - your proxy might improve your gameplay experience, but it might subtract from your opponents.
The above also applies to WYSIWYG weaponry. If you and your opponent agree, you are welcome to substitute weapon options. However, if your opponent is uncomfortable or confused by the weapon change, we ask that you run the unit as it is presented on it's models.
Can I enter the Crusade beyond Week 1?
If you'd like to join the Crusade while it's in progress, get in touch! We make these decisions on a case-by-case basis, as Guf can only realistically support so many players playing at once. However, depending on capacity, it's likely we can help you make a dramatic entrance.
Do I need to play every week?
No! You are welcome to skip weeks or miss sections of the Crusade as you need. Keep in mind, however, that most prizes will only be available toplayers who played at least 10 games throughout the Crusade, so you may wish to make sure you hit that threshold where possible.
Can I play more than once per week?
Yes! You won't earn an EP for playing additional matches, but you can still rack up wins and climb the table by playing as many games as you'd like each week. This is a great way to finish as many bounties as possible.


No photos yet - but they're coming soon ;)