Big photos of little things. Big events for tiny soldiers.

Welcome to Mini Myths.

We're building the best wargaming community in Victoria.
We'd love to have you.

Mini Myths is a group of passionate, friendly gamers who are open and accepting for all - from competitive to casual, from hobby hero to table titan. If you'd like to meet our 100+ members and join in the fun, come find us on Discord.

On this site, you'll find information on our recent and upcoming events. Additionally, we're really passionate about showcasing the talent and effort our community puts into their miniatures. You'll find plenty of photos across the site, showing off amazing armies and miniatures from across the state.

We also regularly produce resources and gaming aids to make your wargaming experience smoother, easier, and more fun! Check out our resources section, and hopefully you'll find some tools you love.

Keen to join our community? Come join us on Discord.

Latest News

The blog has arrived

April 8, 2024


Hey folks!

You might have noticed the site is undergoing a few changes. Mini Myths is just about to turn two years old - an incredible milestone for something I spun up just so I had a cute logo for my instagram. When I put this website together the intention was simply to be a location to host event details, but it's grown to be much more than that; we've added photo libraries, merchandise, downloadable resources, and a ton of new event-related features.

In the spirit of this ongoing growth, I wanted to start giving regular updates on where I think Mini Myths is headed. Naturally, this will be a place for me to advise you all of what events are coming up, but also gives me a chance to talk in detail about new merch, new resources, and new features to the site. Beyond that, I'd love to take the time to use this blog to talk through the challenges and tribulations of running events, and giving you all a 'glimpse behind the curtain' of the work that goes into making each event as good as I can make it.

For now, though, this is simply a post to say 'stay tuned!', and more importantly, to say thankyou once again for your ongoing support. If you're reading this and you haven't already, join our Discord - we've got well over 100 members now, and it's become a vibrant, active, and supportive community.

Talk soon!

Upcoming Events

Mysteries of the Gray Havens
Guf Werribee

Mysteries of the Gray Havens

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Our first 500 point MESBG event!
War for Werribee
Guf Werribee

War for Werribee

Marvel Crisis Protocol

The battle for Werribee has begun!
Shatterpoint Unleashed
Gaming Arena

Shatterpoint Unleashed

Star Wars Shatterpoint

The Ultimate Shatterpoint Event!
Armies on Parade 2024
Guf Werribee

Armies on Parade 2024

Armies on Parade

AOP #3! Let's do this! See the very best of tabletop hobby in the west.

Happening Now

Purple Palette IV: Duel
Guf Werribee

Purple Palette IV: Duel

Purple Palette

Purple Palette joins Armies on Parade!

recent Events